
Digg newsbar
Digg newsbar

Here are more details from Betawork’s blog post: And for now, there aren’t any comments - however, they could resurface at a later date. Users can see the breakdown of the new Digg score by rolling a cursor over scores. Users will still be able to Digg stories, but Facebook shares and tweets also factor into the prominence of a story. Social media is a big component in the new Digg site. Instead, the site highlights a single Digg feed with access to “Top Stories,” “Popular Stories,” and “Upcoming.”

digg newsbar

There’s no more of the “Newsrooms,” “Newsbar,” and “Newswire” labels. So far, the site has a more streamlined home page with photos attached to each headline. With the Web site now live, Betaworks is ironing out the wrinkles to see what works and what doesn’t. We now have a solid foundation on which to build, and we expect to build fast.”

digg newsbar


“After an intense month and a half, we managed to get the new Digg up and running on a fresh code base and infrastructure. “On July 20, we announced that we were turning Digg back into a startup and rebuilding it from scratch in six weeks,” Betaworks wrote in a blog post. Just yesterday, Betaworks revealed that the news aggregation site would have a complete makeover that would do away with the headlines list, add photos, and integrate Facebook and Twitter into Digg scores. In fact, the site even comes a day earlier than expected.

digg newsbar

Betaworks delivered on its promise and launched the newly redesigned Digg Web site today.

Digg newsbar